In my early Sobeirty I would use any tool available to me including my imagination to come up with anywhich way to remember to stay focused on my Spiritual Sobriety. I capitalize Sobriety and Spiritual because there the number one most important aspects in my life!!!
Now with that said I would have in my car and still do to this day a card I purchased at a AA intergroup store that has the third step prayer on one side and the seventh step prayer on the other, and i say them before i put car in drive. I even used to mark my thumb nails with ink so when dealing with my wallet and money I'd remember to say thanks. With my hands on the steering wheel I see them and remember to pray again. Why these things helping me through the day, cause I could very well get up and practice prayer and meditation in the morning before I leave for whatever and then easily forget the rest of the day and fall into old behavior...I needed constant reminders minute by minute everyday and still do. Not that I'm going to drink if I don't, but again I could easily allow ego (ezing God out) in and ruin my day ruin my Spiritual Sobriety and if that kept up eventually I might drink, but its the stinking thinking the the stinking vocabulary, the stinking actions that lead to a relapse. And I can only speak for myself, I don't have one in me...
I have a Facebook Group, Spiritual Sobriety/11th Step Recovery Group, and when I have spare moments I'm posting on my group and reading my Brothers and Sisters in Recovery there group and personnel pages, pages that deal strickly with recovery. This is my way of staying focused on recovery all day long.
I still attend meetings, their what got me sober and they are what brought me this far, I mainly attend Big Book and 12x12 mtgs.and other literature mtgs., for me thats the solution.
Ok, now, whats with the title, Inner God We Trust, ya know it says on the money, coins and bills,
"In God We Trust". I used to delivery fruit to convienience stores, and because my Dad's genration would certainly bend down and pick up the pennys on a sidewalk, we today let pennies fly hit the ground and thats where they stay. And not just pennies, dimes and nickels and quarters. So, I'm delivering at these many convienence stores all over south Florida and I kept noticing change on the ground everywhere. Well I started to say In God We Trust everytime I saw them. Then it morphed into Inner God We Trust, so here was another way i used to get myself into praying when normally I wouldnt.
And that is the whole key to this program I feel, now doing things we would never do before and placing them in our life throughout the day, little things, silly things, meanigful though, for a person in recovery it is essential to stay diligent in our practice, and I don't care how many yrs. one has, I have 19 yrs. and it don't matter, I practice my Spiritual Sobriety throughout the day everyday, ODAAT!!!
God's inside us all, so there's your "Inner God We Trust"
Peace, light n love to all...
