Today I uncover the perfection in me in all its fullness.
The kingdom of heaven is already within us. the field that contains this hidden treasure is our own soul.
The priceless pearl is covered by the hardshell of experience. We must learn to see God at the center of our being.
These words are taken from a book by Ernest Holmes, 365 Science of Mind, A Year of Daily Wisdom,
page 375, for December 20th...
All these words are already spoken in many old and wise texts from all around the world in many different belief systems. Ernest Holmes studied them all before he wrote the book, Science of Mind, which was one of the early books I read in my seeking a better way of life.
For those who are reading my blog for the first time, I am a interfaith believer, and also a 12 step recovery member. "I believe there's a golden thread that runs through all belief systems and that golden thread is love." Another group of words I have borrowed from somewhere, ty.
When I read the words of Mr. holmes today for the daily reading it struck me to write today. Everyday we all go through this thing called life, life happens everyday. The job, the house, the kids, the bills, the traffic, the neighbors, the the the etc., life...
These distractions can often take our attention away from God, and when I say God, please choose the God of your understanding, i speak in general terms here, God is Love and Love is God...
And when these distraction do, we sometimes don't realize it has and there we go off on our own will and run amuck!!!
The title of this blog is the Hidden Treasure, from a Michael Mirdad quote, at least this is where i heard it, "Know the Truth, respect the illusion."
Anything outside our inner soul, God, love is a distraction, we must be aware of our path and that it stay in one pointed direction, love, it's not ez, we have to start our day with God and we have a good chance of staying there within the day. Now with holidays of all belifs coming and going it is an especially difficult time to stay firm in our love of love, our God of our own understanding, The Source, The Creator, use whatever term that points you in the one pointed direction of love and do whatever you need to to stay there, shopping, buying, cooking, company, traveling, whatever, stay focused and stay grounded in God.
Remember this Love, God, is within You, All of You!!!
The Hidden Treasure is within You!!!
Peace and Love to You All