"I am not the body, not the blood, not the energy, not the thoughts, not the mind, not the ego, not the astral self. I am the immortal soul that illumines them all, remaining unchangeable in spite of their changes."
This is an affirmation i found in my pilies of stuff, lol, buried for some time and found after moving once again and unpacking stuff i should probably should have gotten rid of. However what a nice find, I don't know of author if there's one but i think it is very touching and thought worthy.
Now, not that i haven't believed this for some time, it just made me go deep and do some worthwhile contemplation on what i am being doing these days and am i helping my soul or am i feeding the world, the ego, the thought, the body, the blood, the mind, the the??etc...
Then I wrote this:
"Couldn't deal with the mainstream, so i found a sub-culture i could identify with, at the time in need.
Yet everything is not what it seems, they all have there complicated parts running there machines, that get oiled and greased in a varity of ways and means that aren't always insink with there original principles?!
Lies are the foundations for future pain. Beware when they get cemented in, it's almost impossible to demolish the the system in which they build.
It's hell when the lies become a large sector of the world's truth vs fiction."
What does this have to do with the immortal soul?!
Of course speaking for myself, sometimes I belong to something with almost all my heart and then it fads away, then i find another that seems to fit where I'm at at the time, but it doesn't turn out to be, blah blah blah...running the seeking game for a long time and am finding out there's nothing to seek other than my own soul!, what is my soul, i believe it to be Love, so seek True Love, Divine Love within, thats always been the place to find it...
So I go back to only the Soul, where i guess is where i truly belong, not the body, not the mind, not the thoughts, but the Immortal Soul...
Peace, Light n love
Sisters and Brothers