There are 114 names I found on the internet for names used by humans for what I'll call one's Higher Power. If yours is not there, message it, I'm sorry, but 114 is plenty for this discussion.
Their only human given names to be applied towards one's belief system or religon, faith etc.
If you haven't already taken notice this blog n all others and this website in dedicated to an Inter-Faith Belief , I believe all beliefs, religions and faiths have a golden thread that runs through them all and that is love.
I believe not one is the only one, they all supply there followers with what they need, I dont believe in knocking anyone's faith, like I just said, they all have love, and with love comes understanding, compassion, altruism, kindness and peace. We don't need to fight over something of love, for then it's not true love, Divine Love.
I am no theologin, no scholar, I can not even spell very well, however I do believe I have been saved from personal destrution through the abuse of alcohol n drugs and stinking thinking by a Higher Power and the support of the saving grace of AA/NA, 12 step programs where I was given the opportunity to find my Higher Power.Which has led me to a better life and a Spiritual life.
Why have I chosen this topic today, well, this country is once again going through changes that I refuse to make judgement upon, but would rather accept what is and make the best out of it. In the AA Big Book, on page 417 of the 4th edition, it says, acceptence is the answer to all my problems.
If I want to change something, then I use the change I prefer to move forward, I don't fight against what is.
Example I believe was with Mother Teresa, she was asked to march against the war, and refused, she said I will march for peace. With that she takes the word and meaning of the word out of the equation, your energy is then put towards what you want with no negitivity, and this I agree with. Your moving forward with your flow, not against someone elses.
You may be someone who does not believe in any of this, I accept that also. With all my beliefs I also believe in Science, I watch Neil DeGrasse Tyron, an American astrophysicist, often on YouTube, Star Talk and others like Michio Kaku, an American physicist, and they with many others bring up enough proof to consider along with my Spiritual beliefs. To each there own, this is where acceptence saves me from argueing for or against as in some we may call fanatical believers, fight to save there beliefs. I have no reason to fight for the Higher Power of my understanding, nor against yours, we all have some sort of free will, we are at liberty to use this power.
So here are the names I have gathered for the sake of interest or whatever, ty for your time.
Absolute Spirit, Absolute Consciousness, Absolute Inclusiveness or simply The Absolute (Religion 2.0)
Anima Mundi (World Soul, Gaia, Universal Soul)Â (Religion 1.5)
Causal (Religion 2.0)
Causeless Cause
Christ Consciousness
Cosmic Christ
Consciousness (Religion 1.5)
Conscious Universe (Religion 2.0)
Divine Feminine, Kali, Oya, Pele, Mary, Shakti, Black Madonna or any of the other many names for Goddess embodying Absolute Divinity in a female manifestation.)
Divine Mother
Divine Mystery
Divine Presence
Divine Providence
Ein Sof
Ever Present Origin (Religion 1.5)
Evolution (Religion 2.0)
Evolutionary Spirit (Religion 2.0)
Evolution Spirituality (Religion 2.0)
Great Consciousness (Religion 1.5)
Great I Am
Great Interconnectedness (Religion 2.0)
Great Mother
Great Mystery (Great Mystery is the name used most often with in Religion 2.0 and Open Source Spirituality for describing Ultimate Reality.)
Great Spirit
Great Union (Religion 2.0)
Great Unity (Religion 2.0)
Great Unfolding (Religion 2.0)
Great Radiance (Religion 2.0)
Great Relationship (Religion 2.0)
Higher Power
Highest Essence
Highest Self
Holy Spirit
I am Who am (a non qualitative personal Divinity)
Infinite Consciousness (Religion 1.5)
Infinite Essence (Religion 2.0)
Infinite Mystery (Religion 2.0)
Infinite one
Infinite oneness (Religion 2.0)
Infinite Source
Infinite Spirit
Infinite Wholeness (Religion 2.0)
Integrative Consciousness (Religion 1.5)
Integrative Spirit
Larger Self
Mother Universe
Nameless One
Nondual Awareness
Original Essence (Religion 2.0)
Original Organizing Principle (Religion 2.0)
Pre Big Bang Reality (Religion 2.0)
Post Big Bang Reality (Religion 2.0)
The Cosmos (Religion 2.0)
The Great Oneness (Religion 2.0)
The Source
The Eternal Now
The Everything and the Nothing
The Evolutionary Absolute (Religion 2.0)
The Evolutionary Process Itself at Universe Scale (Religion 2.0)
The Evolutionary Union (Religion 2.0)
The Flow of Life or Life Force (Chi, Elan Vital, Prana)
The Infinite
The Good
The Great Spirit
The Tao
The Great Unified Field (Religion 2.0)
The Force
The Tripartite Absolute, (a term used for the combined Personal, Evolutionary and Impersonal absolutes of God (Religion 1.5)
The Absolute Trinity or TriUnity (Religion 1.5)
The Supreme
The Union (Religion 2.0)
The Unity (Religion 2.0)
The Universe Itself (Religion 2.0)
The Universal One (Religion 2.0)
The Ultimate (Religion 2.0)
The Universe or Living Universe (Religion 2.0)
The Universal or Universe Source, Spirit or Soul
Total Reality (Religion 2.0)
Total Pre and Post Big Bang Reality (Religion 2.0)
Total Universe Reality (Religion 2.0)
The Wholeness of the Universe (Religion 2.0)
Ultimate Concern
Ultimate RealityÂ
Ultimate Universe Reality (Religion 2.0)
Ultimate Truth
Ultimate Unity or Oneness (Religion 2.0)
Ultimate Wholeness (Religion 2.0)
Universe Consciousness
Universe Entity
Universal Life
Universal Oneness
Wakan Taka